Saturday, November 10, 2007

Maximising Your Success By Selling Yourself

Did you know that you are involved in the world's oldest trade? No, I don't mean what you think I mean! Although it does kind of come under the same category ..

I'm talking about sales.

Now don't try and imagine that you're no salesperson.

Do you really think that you don't sell yourself with every step you take?

People make snap judgments of you in less than two seconds. That's all it takes to make a first impression.

And it doesn't matter what industry you're in, what your goals for the day, week or year hold, the way you sell yourself will affect your success.

You might be the most independent, self-driven person in the world, but you'll still be affected in some way by other people's perceptions of you.

So what image are you selling to the world? How would someone describe you if they'd just met you? What 'lasting impression' would you leave?

Maybe you don't care. You're not concerned with other people's opinions of you. You're quite self-sufficient and extremely confident in your own abilities, thank you very much.

It's quite a liberating way to go about your life, isn't it? No regard for anyone except yourself. Could get pretty lonely after a while though. Not to mention damn near impossible to keep up. We're all dependent on other people in one way or another. Interdependent, at the very least.

Which means that those people's opinions, their perceptions of you - well, they count.

Don't they?

Think about it - how do you come across to your potential clients, your colleagues, your boss, a new employer? To your family? To friends, both new and old, to a potential partner? To the man on the street?

Do you sell yourself as a happy, energetic, positive-minded person? Someone who others would love to be around? Or do you let the world see that you're carrying its weight on your shoulders? Are you rude to strangers because you're too important or too busy to care?

Every time someone see you in a certain light, they reflect that back to you. Which reinforces your own image of yourself, and then your future behaviour. Can you see how this works? It's a vicious cycle. Or else a positive one.

So let's consider this in more depth. How do you decide how to sell yourself?

I think it all comes down to how you define yourself. We've discussed that the way you perceive (or present) yourself is inevitably the way others will perceive you. Ever heard the expression 'you create your own reality'?

So if you think you're no good at your job, that you're just bluffing your way until someone finds out, then the truth is that no matter how hard you try to hide it, your actions will - in some way - start to mirror your beliefs. Long story short - the more strongly you believe you're not good at your job, the higher the chances of other thinking it also.

What else? How about relationships? Do you think to yourself deep within that no-one would want to be with you? That they'll all see through to the insecure gawky kid within, no matter how well packaged the exterior? Could you be projecting these thoughts to other people?

Everything you think, every expression or twitch you make, is selling something about yourself. Selling the concept of you. Even if others don't see it - their subconscious will pick it up. And record it. File it away under your name.

So let's talk about how you want to pitch yourself to your prospects. In work and in life. Sounds a bit cold, doesn't it? Maybe you think life shouldn't be quite so calculated. But why not? If you project your fears and insecurities without realising it, when in fact most of the time you are a confident, skilled and able person - who might be able to help others enhance their lives, then you really are selling yourself short. On top of that, others could be missing out on your fabulous company, your knowledge, or who knows what else!

How would you like to be defined?

If you were a company, how would you brand yourself? A company without a mission statement, with no marketing package or presentation for potential clients, is one that will never get off the ground.

You're not that different.

Take a look at these two companies - both with great products. One company has carefully determined it's branding and ridden a success wave ever since, while the other is clearly just continuing to follow an old pattern and is now dying a slow death.

Visit and to see what I'm talking about.

Are you running programs that are years old and no longer apply? Are you still presenting yourself as who you were 10 years ago? Concerned that it would be boasting to sell the 'new, improved' you; to tell others of your skills and abilities? To promote yourself both in the workplace, and outside?

Think about it.

And then do something about. Plan your campaign. The great unveiling of you. And then sell it like you mean it, or else fake it till you make it, 'cause nothing sells better than passion, and you and your prospects deserve nothing less.

Katrina Eden is a CHEK trainer and Metabolic Typing Advisor in Australia. Make up your mind to press play on life with Katrina and 'Play Life'.


To contact Katrina email -

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