Saturday, November 10, 2007

Common Sense Success

A good friend, neighbor and progressive speaker Doug K (last name withheld for privacy) praised last week's article about the Southern California wildfires. I thanked him for the Dr. Jekyll response, but I was interested to hear his Mr. Hyde version. He wasn't bashful.

He compared the government's supposedly rapid response to the SoCal fires with their slower response to Hurricane Katrina's flood victims. He believes it was a wealthy white/poor black issue. He blames the government for playing favorites.

He wants the Powers That Be to treat everyone fairly. No favorites. While that in itself is a worthy goal-forced change is fake change. The security guard may smile at you at work, but would he be as cordial when he's out of uniform?

Let's hope so.

Real change comes from within, where people allow their higher-self to be, and excel. When people decide it's better to give than waiting to receive: society benefits. President Kennedy inspired the world with his famous quote in the 60's and it still reigns true today.

What am I leading to?

During Katrina, the victims depended on Uncle Sam before, during and after the levies broke. Looting, violence and fraud became the order of the day. Safety of the rescue crews remained a huge concern.

During the recent SoCal firestorms, the residents took control of their destiny. They didn't rely on the government to save them. They knew the Calvary wasn't arriving any time soon. They planned their own escape.

A difference in philosophies...

Freedom versus dependence. Savviness versus ignorance. Action versus idleness. And leading versus following.

Your personal philosophy determines how high you will reach and how far you will go. Your success is a result of your philosophy. If success is your goal, it's just common sense to practice success principles.

Let's explore three success principles that will carve a swath to your solutions...

1) Do your homework. Research the facts. Search for other options. Just because everyone else does it doesn't mean it's best for you. Develop the ability to think critically and ask questions.

There was an article on MSN about an anti-fat shot that does not need FDA approval. Plastic surgeons are going ape over this latest quick fix injection that is supposed to dissolve fat cells. Problem is: they don't know exactly where the dissolved fat ends up. It's still a mystery.

While you're gathering the facts with Joe Friday it's also good to...

2) Seek outside counsel. The experts don't always have it right. Get a second or fourth opinion. Then seek advice from those who have gone through what you're facing. They may have an angle on this no one would have seen.

An orthopedic surgeon recently prescribed an epidural injection for me. He explained this is exactly what he would do if he were in my shoes. Friends and common sense have told me if it worked, it would only mask the pain. It wouldn't repair the damage. I decided this wasn't the right course.

After getting good advice and exploring alternatives it's best to then...

3) Take action. Nothing worse than discovering an alternative plan, and then sitting on it. Zero action equals zero results. The plan you planned to do becomes the plan you planned to do. And this insidious cycle repeats itself.

I met Bud at the basketball courts. He's a retiree and looks like a junior version of Hulk Hogan. He decided to lower his blood pressure and cholesterol through exercise rather than prescription drugs. Good for him for taking action.

Life offers you many choices. You can wait for things to happen or you can make things happen. You can choose the high road or take the low road. And you can accomplish the most amazing things if you believe you can do it.

Tommy Yan helps business owners and entrepreneurs make more money through direct response marketing. He publishes Tommy's Tease weekly e-zine to inspire people to succeed in business and personal growth. Get your free subscription today at

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