Sunday, November 4, 2007

3 Magical Questions to Motivate

As kids it was easy. As kids we knew how to dream and how to motivate ourselves - and our parents - into getting the things we really wanted. We simply didn't know we couldn't get what we wanted. But as adults it's a different story. Even the things we started out wanting to do often become the "have to's" we avoid.

Remember when you started? Remember how excited you were to tell the world all about what you were doing and how wonderful it made you feel? Remember how you just dove in, in your own way, and got started... until.... Until that first road block when you got overwhelmed with the work of developing your message, your business cards, you client base, your schedule, etc. etc.

Do you want it back? You can have it again any time you wish.

It only takes 3 magical questions you can ask yourself anywhere, anytime in 3 minutes or less. And the more often you ask yourself these questions - whether it's while you're driving, in the shower, or just hanging up from a phone call that didn't go your way - you're sure to find yourself re energized and feeling good again.

Ready? Here they are:

1. What do I really want?

What is the outcome you really really want? Envision it. Let yourself see it as if it's already happened. Maybe it's finding a way to make it right with that client who's upset (envision that client smiling again). Maybe it's landing the biggest contract of your life (envision shaking hands with your dream client with the signed contract complete). Maybe it's as simple as getting what you need done in the day so that you can make it to your child's recital tonight (envision watching your child on stage). It doesn't matter, just envision it as if you've already accomplished it. Don't worry about the how, just the what.

2. Why is having that really important to me? What will I really have now that I've accomplished it?

Is it a sense that you've done the right thing? Is it a feeling of freedom or success? Is it a feeling of satisfaction? Is it a feeling of connection with your family? Whatever it is for you, let yourself experience the emotion of already having it. And pay attention to how your body responds to that feeling. Does your stomach relax? Do your shoulders drop? Do you sit up a little straighter? These are important signals to be aware of.

3. What one thing could I do right now that might move me in the direction I most want to go?

Take action! Do the thing that comes to mind first - even if it's as simple as allowing yourself to feel more of the 'why' for another minute, or as random as taking a walk. The action you take serves as an acknowledgment of the outcome you most want. Without action, it remains a dream. But with action, you begin to make it a reality. Think of it like a car. If it's sitting still, you'll never get there. But if it's moving you can begin to steer it in the direction you want to go.

The more often you ask yourself these 3 questions, and follow through, the more you can feel like a kid at Christmas about your life and your business all over again.

Lori Chance is a writing coach who uses her experience as a life coach, mother, woman and entrepreneur to enhance the lives of herself and others. She recently published Who Am I? How to Answer the Single Most Important Question You'll Ever Ask, a resource for women in transition.

Feel free to learn more about Lori online at Destination Words. You may also enjoy reading of her blogs.

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