Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Joys Of Failure

I've been seriously rethinking my views on just what failure is and is not. I'm putting together a talk on the above subject and it's made me think a lot about my life till now. I realize that I am now and continue to be an amazing failure!

I am a failure at being what other people think I should be.
I am a failure at thinking the way other people think I should think.
I am a failure at looking the way other people think I should look.
And I couldn't be happier.

Not being what other people think I should be has given me the freedom to explore my life and my opportunitites in different, innovative ways.

Not thinking the way other people think I should think has given me the freedom to explore self-education, alternative education and to have my education actually serve my needs.

Not looking the way other people think I should look as given me permission to be a unique individual with my own style and my own likes and dislikes.

Most of the dictionaries and 99% of society think of failure as a bad thing. I don't happen to share their opinion. How could you possibly succeed if you don't know how to fail? How would you recognize success, then? Look at Thomas Edison - he failed 10,000 times to make a light bulb. When asked how he felt about so many failures, he said "I have not failed, I have simply found 10,000 ways not to make a light bulb.".

Go try something you've never done before. Give yourself permission to fail. That way, you get a lot more joy when you succeed! After all, if you've never done it before, you have nothing to compare it to and you decide whether you've failed at all! Failure is all in YOUR mind. How many people do you know that blow off compliments saying that they could have done better and then list excuses? Especially when they've done something you are aching to just achieve a 10th of? It's all relative and it's all so very personal.

I give you permission (if you need it) to go try something new this next week. Something you've never done before and know nothing about. Go ahead, have fun.

DeBorah Beatty
Walla Walla, Washington

Deborah Beatty - EzineArticles Expert Author

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