Saturday, November 10, 2007

Developing Your Personal Power - Success Strategies

As leaders in our professions we must recognize what it takes to achieve our greatness. It is imperative to keep an open mind while continually growing, learning, moving forward and staying focused. Top professionals know that the secret to success is greatly tied to developing their personal power.

I spend a lot of time dealing with the topic of professional excellence, however I realize that there is no such thing as professional excellence without personal excellence. I will argue (diplomatically of course) that if we do not have our lives in order outside of work, it is very difficult to bring our "A" game to our careers and maintain professional leadership.

How can we be well organized and diligent at work, if we do not hold these same standards to the other facets of our lives? How can we build great relationships with our clients, if we haven't mastered building great relationships with the people that mean the most to us outside of work? Even though "they" (whoever they are) say a best practice is to leave home at home and work at work. That's impossible. Everywhere you go, there you are.

So now what? How do we focus on personal excellence so that our professional excellence falls neatly into place? Whenever I conduct a workshop or seminar, regardless of the topic, I lead with the concept of developing one's personal power. That's the only place to start. Here are a few pointers:

Write a personal mission statement that incorporates ALL the key elements in your life (physical environment, money, career, friends/family, romantic relationships, personal growth, health/exercise, fun/recreation). Ask yourself, what do I want within these areas of my life? Keep your goals balanced throughout all areas.

In addition to writing your goals, speak, visualize and review them DAILY.

Eliminate any negative self talk and replace it only with positive talk. What you say to yourself is critical. Your conscious and subconscious are always listening. Stop saying how tired you are? No complaining. What's the point anyway?

Develop yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Surround yourself with inspiration messages. Sometimes we forget who we want to be. Motivational and inspirational messages are great ways to keep us plugged in. I like to call this positive mental food.

Create your like-minded community of people that support you and add to your life in a positive way. Surrounding yourself with successful people is also key. Birds of a feather flock together.

Commit to positive health habits. Start your day with breakfast. Exercise. Health is wealth.

Show your gratitude for everything. Count your blessings. Having an attitude of gratitude brings other great things to your life.

Do something each day that you are passionate about.

Do something each day that is a challenge ---this is what moves you forward.

Focus and take action-this is the most important step.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

Robin Allen is an expert in the fields of personal and professional development. She is a keynote speaker, workshop presenter and trainer that conduct programs and speeches on topics such as life balance, self-esteem, weight loss, management/leadership and sales.

Robin, runs De-Ivy Management and can be reached at

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