Saturday, November 10, 2007

What is Success and How Do We Achieve It?

To be clear about what success is must be the first step to achieving success.

So far, the best definition I have come across is: "Success is the completion of anything intended." In other words success is finishing what you planned to do.

Even robbing a bank is a kind of success if that is what you wished to do. However, you probably did not intend to end up in prison!

The above definition of success shines a light on failure and success. Make a plan and follow it and you will have succeeded. Make a plan and do not follow it and you will have failed.

This gives a yard stick for judging every day of our lives. We can say at the end of the day "I have failed" or "I have succeeded."

This may seem very obvious but it is amazing that only about 85% of the human race end up doing what they intended.

I asked several people what they thought success was. One person said that "Success is making loads of money." Another said that success is "Achieving your goals". Some one else said that success is "Fulfilling your potential". An interesting answer was that success is "Making others jealous".

Brian Tracy agrees with the connection between success and goals. He has said "Success is goals, and all else is commentary." Tracy believes that people with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them.

Stuart Goldsmith in "The Midas Method" has an important section on how to set goals so that they are achieved using the full power of the subconscious mind.

Maria Nemeth gives this definition of success: "Doing what you said you would do, with ease".

"Doing what you said you would do" is currently not achieved by the majority of the human race especially politicians! Doing it with ease is achieved by even fewer and requires making the most of the subconscious mind.

Jim Rohn argues that success is just a few simple disciplines practised daily.

The power of daily discipline is HUGE. Because the discipline is practised daily the effect is cumulative. The good practice is carried out 365 times a year with, perhaps, a few lapses.

It cannot fail to have tremendous influence. Once the discipline becomes a daily habit, it can be forgotten about until the rewards start coming in.

The writer who writes every day has written well over 300 pages by the end of the year. If he or she does not write every day they lose momentum and inspiration. If they keep up the writing (even just a few words a day) a magnet for relevant thoughts develops.

Recently a Liverpool student of American media studies applied for 600 jobs and received only one interview which he failed. He decided to write a novel. He determined to complete ten pages a day. He worked in the evenings at a dead end job to make money and then wrote until about 5 in the morning at his novel which has now become famous. It also looks like becoming a Hollywood blockbuster film.

He points out that if you write only one page a day for 100 days you can write a screen play. He wrote his novel by studying the structure of two other novels and noticing how they were structured and wrote his screenplay after studying video of films and noticing how long each scene lasted before there was a change.

I can't remember his name or the name of his book as I just happened to hear part of his interview on television.

The practice of daily disciplines alone can change our lives totally. Another benefit of daily disciplines is that they quickly create habits and habits create character.

A great quote by Jim Ryun, the American Athlete, is as follows

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going"

Another brilliant quote is:

"Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value."

Albert Einstein

The next quote says more or less the same thing:

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." Henry David Thoreau

Many would argue that success is not about making money but about developing oneself into a person who is valuable to others.

However, this quite often will lead to making money because people will pay for value. Any one who is very good at their job can usually command whatever pay they wish.

Adam Hollioake is one of the most successful English county cricket captains. He realised what is important in life when his brother Ben was killed in a car accident in Perth Australia. Adam learned that he should be kind to people and have fun and "that’s what life is about."

His view of success in cricket is not necessarily winning. He is not afraid to lose a cricket match. He is only concerned that his team put 100% effort into the game. He comments:

"If we do put that effort in we usually win anyway".

Success then is putting in 100% effort whatever the results. More often than not, however, the results will be excellent.

Michael Angier has a great definition of success.

"Success is the result of steadily taking action on our most important goals. When we consistently focus our energies and our efforts upon what matters most, we can't help but be successful".

Angier also admires Ralph Waldo Emerson's comments on success:

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; this is to have succeeded."

What are the causes of failure and success?

William James, the great American psychologist, puts failure down to lack of faith in one self

"There is but one cause of human failure. And that is man's lack of faith in his true self."

Faith in one self is a huge part of success. Stuart Goldsmith in "The Midas Method" talks about two kinds of belief that are necessary for success. You must believe that you deserve to succeed and you must believe that you have the ability to succeed.

Another big cause of success is discipline.

"The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term is the indispensable prerequisite for success." Brian Tracy

Another cause is the willingness to try to succeed even if the possiblity of success is remote.

"Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead."

Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) American Writer

My computer guru, Danny believes that you should hold on to your dream in all circumstances and never let go. Grab hold of your vision with an iron fist and even if you are down on your luck and in the gutter never give up.

Danny himself has held on to a dream for 22 years. His dream is to develop the best languages translator in the world.

It does not matter if you are 72 - grab hold of your dream. Actually visualize your hand holding on to that dream. Too many people are worn down by life and give up their dreams.

Every dream is personal but the principle is the same. You are an idiot if you let go. You have to have a reason for living. Set yourself a goal and never let go until you die.

There is nothing you can't do. If you can't swim 10 lengths without a rest, train for a few months and you will be able to swim 50 lengths.

Danny's comments about swimming reminded me about how little is taught at school about how training can improve your abilities.

At my school in the Isle of Man, there was an annual half mile swim in the sea. I knew I would drown if I attempted this but no one ever suggested that I start training hard so that I would be capable of completing the swim.

I was just classified as someone who could not do the swim. It did not occur to me that through determined training I would be able to do what I could not previously do.

When Danny was young he was a skinny weakling. But one day he decided that this was not a good thing. He filled out and did some weight training and set up his own fitness, strength and flexibility routine.

He performs this every other day. This avoids the boredom of a daily routine. He does 200 situps, 30-50 leg raises and three or four sets of 20-30 bench presses.

He also does 2 sets of 20 or 30 squats with dumbells to develop leg power. The dumbbells avoid the danger of overbalancing with a barbell across your shoulders. There is also little likelihood that you will drop the dumbbells on children or family pets! Dumbells allow for greater control than barbells.

Danny's advice for success is to do something. If in doubt, read a book. The worst thing you can do is sit on your backside watching TV. If you do, nothing will ever happen. He notes the hypnotic effect of TV on the spectators. Danny seldom ever watches TV.

Danny also is impressed by Arnold Schwarzenegger who has just been elected Governor of California. If Arnold wants something, he does what is necessary to get that thing. If he had to eat 50 mars bars, he would eat them. If he had to stand stark naked on his head in a field for half an hour he would.

This is an example to us all. If you have to put stamps on thousands of envelopes to send out your direct mail sales letters, you just have to do it.

The basic principle is that you have to do what is required. Some things require certain actions to achieve them and you have to do them whether you like doing them or not.

It is no good saying I want to be Governor of California but I don't want to do any public speaking or travel on the campaign trail or be friendly to thousands of people you don't like. You have to pick up babies and smile at people you may not like.

If you want to be rich you have to do those things which will make you rich. It's no good saying "I don't really want to do it." Danny gives himself a virtual smack round the head every time he is tempted to give up on his projects.

Some people think they will make money by taking short cuts like suing people or fraud. The world would be a much better place if people just got on with doing what they had to do.

Many successful people stress the importance of action in achieving success.

Michael Masterson of the Ezine "Early to Rise" writes:"Action is the key to success, and failure to act is the reason most people will never achieve the kind of success they dream about"

Another approach to achieving success is to stay cool about it. Just get on with doing what you think is important and what you love to do.

"Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally." Sir David Frost

Elvis Presley gave his cousin Donna some advice to help her achieve her goals for the future. It seems good advice to me:

Donna's best memory of Elvis was when she was 18 and she spoke to him one on one. He asked her about her plans for the future and told her she could achieve anything she wanted "so long as you have faith in God;have faith in yourself; work hard and never let anyone tell you, you can't do something".

Elvis himself had plenty of discouragement which he successfully ignored. The later part of his life was not too successful but as Donna commented, we should focus on what he did achieve which was amazing.

Peter Vidmar explains how he achieved success at the Olympic Games:

"There's only two things I had to do to win the Olympic gold: Train when I wanted to, and train when I didn't."

This is possibly my favourite quote of all time. It sums up the essence of success and the will power and discipline necessary to achieve it. Sometimes training will be easy but sometimes it will take effort because one really does not feel like training. This is simple and beautifully easy to understand.

Another quote I like is concerned with the kind of success which depends on people liking your work or product. Don't worry about whether they will like your work. Just do your best and leave the liking or disliking up to them.

"Success has a simple formula: 'Do your best and people may like it'".

Sam Ewing

Any success involves some kind of cost; usually some boring work is involved as suggested in the following quote. The word 'drudgery' sums this kind of work up exactly. Almost any kind of business involves marketing and marketing is the last thing many businessmen enjoy doing.

"Success is the child of drudgery and perseverance. It cannot be coaxed or bribed; pay the price and it is yours".

Orison Swett Marden, 1850-1924.

Mike Litman comes up with golden statements frequently. Here is just one of them:

"The biggest secret of success in life is: You don't have to get it right; you just have to get it going. Perfectionism can kill success. We never get going because we are always waiting to get everything just right. Instead, let's get going."

One success breeds another. Bobby Robson, now over 70, is one of Britain's most successful managers. He should know what creates success. He recently commented about his team's performances:

"Success breeds success"

This makes sense. Write one successful book and you will have the confidence to write another. A lady over 70 wrote a book about overcoming the pain of arthritis. It was a huge success to her total amazement and made hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not surprisingly she has now written two more books.

Success is a key goal for most people but it helps to have a clear idea of what success means to you. I hope this article will have shed some light on possible definitions of success and provided some ideas about how you can achieve your kind of success. 2500

John Watson is an info publisher on the internet and a martial arts school owner. He taught Religious Studies and Life Skills to teenagers in London schools for about 33 years before retiring in 2000 A.D. His own e-books and those of the English multimillionaire, Stuart Goldsmith, can be found on his site at

Common Sense Success

A good friend, neighbor and progressive speaker Doug K (last name withheld for privacy) praised last week's article about the Southern California wildfires. I thanked him for the Dr. Jekyll response, but I was interested to hear his Mr. Hyde version. He wasn't bashful.

He compared the government's supposedly rapid response to the SoCal fires with their slower response to Hurricane Katrina's flood victims. He believes it was a wealthy white/poor black issue. He blames the government for playing favorites.

He wants the Powers That Be to treat everyone fairly. No favorites. While that in itself is a worthy goal-forced change is fake change. The security guard may smile at you at work, but would he be as cordial when he's out of uniform?

Let's hope so.

Real change comes from within, where people allow their higher-self to be, and excel. When people decide it's better to give than waiting to receive: society benefits. President Kennedy inspired the world with his famous quote in the 60's and it still reigns true today.

What am I leading to?

During Katrina, the victims depended on Uncle Sam before, during and after the levies broke. Looting, violence and fraud became the order of the day. Safety of the rescue crews remained a huge concern.

During the recent SoCal firestorms, the residents took control of their destiny. They didn't rely on the government to save them. They knew the Calvary wasn't arriving any time soon. They planned their own escape.

A difference in philosophies...

Freedom versus dependence. Savviness versus ignorance. Action versus idleness. And leading versus following.

Your personal philosophy determines how high you will reach and how far you will go. Your success is a result of your philosophy. If success is your goal, it's just common sense to practice success principles.

Let's explore three success principles that will carve a swath to your solutions...

1) Do your homework. Research the facts. Search for other options. Just because everyone else does it doesn't mean it's best for you. Develop the ability to think critically and ask questions.

There was an article on MSN about an anti-fat shot that does not need FDA approval. Plastic surgeons are going ape over this latest quick fix injection that is supposed to dissolve fat cells. Problem is: they don't know exactly where the dissolved fat ends up. It's still a mystery.

While you're gathering the facts with Joe Friday it's also good to...

2) Seek outside counsel. The experts don't always have it right. Get a second or fourth opinion. Then seek advice from those who have gone through what you're facing. They may have an angle on this no one would have seen.

An orthopedic surgeon recently prescribed an epidural injection for me. He explained this is exactly what he would do if he were in my shoes. Friends and common sense have told me if it worked, it would only mask the pain. It wouldn't repair the damage. I decided this wasn't the right course.

After getting good advice and exploring alternatives it's best to then...

3) Take action. Nothing worse than discovering an alternative plan, and then sitting on it. Zero action equals zero results. The plan you planned to do becomes the plan you planned to do. And this insidious cycle repeats itself.

I met Bud at the basketball courts. He's a retiree and looks like a junior version of Hulk Hogan. He decided to lower his blood pressure and cholesterol through exercise rather than prescription drugs. Good for him for taking action.

Life offers you many choices. You can wait for things to happen or you can make things happen. You can choose the high road or take the low road. And you can accomplish the most amazing things if you believe you can do it.

Tommy Yan helps business owners and entrepreneurs make more money through direct response marketing. He publishes Tommy's Tease weekly e-zine to inspire people to succeed in business and personal growth. Get your free subscription today at

Get a FREE 5-week Secrets to Web Mastery e-course. If your websites aren't making sales or capturing leads, you can't afford to let it idle in Cyberspace. Read more

Developing Your Personal Power - Success Strategies

As leaders in our professions we must recognize what it takes to achieve our greatness. It is imperative to keep an open mind while continually growing, learning, moving forward and staying focused. Top professionals know that the secret to success is greatly tied to developing their personal power.

I spend a lot of time dealing with the topic of professional excellence, however I realize that there is no such thing as professional excellence without personal excellence. I will argue (diplomatically of course) that if we do not have our lives in order outside of work, it is very difficult to bring our "A" game to our careers and maintain professional leadership.

How can we be well organized and diligent at work, if we do not hold these same standards to the other facets of our lives? How can we build great relationships with our clients, if we haven't mastered building great relationships with the people that mean the most to us outside of work? Even though "they" (whoever they are) say a best practice is to leave home at home and work at work. That's impossible. Everywhere you go, there you are.

So now what? How do we focus on personal excellence so that our professional excellence falls neatly into place? Whenever I conduct a workshop or seminar, regardless of the topic, I lead with the concept of developing one's personal power. That's the only place to start. Here are a few pointers:

Write a personal mission statement that incorporates ALL the key elements in your life (physical environment, money, career, friends/family, romantic relationships, personal growth, health/exercise, fun/recreation). Ask yourself, what do I want within these areas of my life? Keep your goals balanced throughout all areas.

In addition to writing your goals, speak, visualize and review them DAILY.

Eliminate any negative self talk and replace it only with positive talk. What you say to yourself is critical. Your conscious and subconscious are always listening. Stop saying how tired you are? No complaining. What's the point anyway?

Develop yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Surround yourself with inspiration messages. Sometimes we forget who we want to be. Motivational and inspirational messages are great ways to keep us plugged in. I like to call this positive mental food.

Create your like-minded community of people that support you and add to your life in a positive way. Surrounding yourself with successful people is also key. Birds of a feather flock together.

Commit to positive health habits. Start your day with breakfast. Exercise. Health is wealth.

Show your gratitude for everything. Count your blessings. Having an attitude of gratitude brings other great things to your life.

Do something each day that you are passionate about.

Do something each day that is a challenge ---this is what moves you forward.

Focus and take action-this is the most important step.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

Robin Allen is an expert in the fields of personal and professional development. She is a keynote speaker, workshop presenter and trainer that conduct programs and speeches on topics such as life balance, self-esteem, weight loss, management/leadership and sales.

Robin, runs De-Ivy Management and can be reached at

The 4 Letter Killer And The 6 Letter Saviour To Your Success

98% of people in the world FAIL at what they are doing purely because of their language. It's not about being literate or having a good command of the English (or any other) language. It IS about how you use the language and in what context you use it.

In our everyday lives, we use many words which describe what we are doing or what we want to be doing. In most cases these words are completely harmless. HOWEVER, there is one 4 letter word which we use which really lets us down.

This word is "BUSY". Many of us have used this as answer. "Oh I'm really busy right now." Busy doing what though? Busy clicking on links on facebook? Busy surfing the web for the right holiday instead of doing some work?

The word BUSY can be used in many contexts but the most popular is to try and make someone else believe that we are actually doing something in life.

Have you ever started thinking about a project, and then find another one along the way, and then another and another.... and pretty soon you are thinking about running 5 or 6 projects at the same time? They may all be excellent projects to run and they will make you a lot of money but you are just thinking about the projects too much to actually do anything.

Does this sound like you?

Well you need to change!! We all do!

This is where the 6 Letter Saviour comes in.... With this 6 letter word you can change your success around instantly, feeling better about yourself, making more money, and feeling the frustrations lift.

Sawan Shah is a talented individual from London who provides many services in the field of web design, sales page creation and consultancy, music track creation, video editing and videos for the web amongst many more services.

To find out more about the 4 letter Killer and the 6 Letter Saviour, go to :

Finding a New Career to Improve Your Personal Life

If you want to create a positive change in your life, you may be thinking about finding a new career. That is a really good place to start, but it's important to choose a career you would be passionate about, where you can immerse yourself in fully. When you are doing what you enjoy, you begin to see your life in a better way. You begin to believe in yourself more, and your confidence grows.

The thought of changing careers, or starting a new business, can be overwhelming to a lot of people. It's not an easy thing to do, when you have a family to take care of, or you're in school and have invested in a course of study, or you have financial obligations. For some it's called fear of failure, others it's called fear of success. Venturing beyond your comfort zone, the reality you have come to know and recognize, can be scary.

Find a new career you will love.

You first must realize, you deserve to live a full and exciting life and you can grow to be the person you want to be. If you are stuck in a job you hate, or at the least unhappy with, it gets difficult to gain satisfaction and to accomplish your full potential. You will spend a large part of your life in a work environment, so why not do something that you will like and that is stimulating?

Why do you want to change careers?

Don't focus on the negatives of your current reality; focus on the positive changes you can envision your life to be. Move forward to what you desire and begin identifying your interests that would make you happy and would satisfy your life. If you start to see some commonalities, they could be clues to what you should consider.

What abilities do you possess?

List everything you are capable of and have a knack for. You will increase your chances of succeeding by doing something you are good at, and that gives you a sense of satisfaction in what you do. You may discover you have some special abilities you were not aware of. When your confidence grows, you will be able to accept new opportunities for improvement and growth.

It's unfortunate that many people fail to ever realize their true potential and capabilities. Do not be afraid or apprehensive to discover who you really are and what achievements you can accomplish. The life you decide to live and the work you decide to do are as limitless as the stars in the heavens.

So choose to have your star shine brightly by finding a new career and to improve your personal life by doing what you would find exciting and would love to do.

Create a life beyond belief, and discover what you can do to achieve the success you want. Unlock your true potential and live a life doing what you love.

Are Blaming and Complaining Habits that are Keeping You from Success?

Until you accept full responsibility for your current conditions you'll use excuses, blame others, and complain about your lack of success. None of those habits and behaviors move you closer to success. They only take you farther away from success, and they do so rapidly.

Whether you like your current situation or hate your current situation you have yourself to thank. When you realize that you created whatever your experiencing now you can take responsibility for changing it. And you will make those changes through your plans and actions.

There is something good and something that could be better in every circumstance. But most people never take the time to examine their role in what they're getting. It's just easier to blame someone else or make excuses for your own poor performance.

When customers don't buy you blame them saying their just stupid for not seeing the value you offer, or that their cheap, or that the competition is steeling them. But when customers don't buy they don't buy because: you don't know how to market your solution, you haven't created the value that is greater than the money you're asking for in exchange, and you don't stand out as the clear choice. And the same is true if you're an employee who didn't get the raise or promotion you wanted. You didn't get it because: you didn't know how to position yourself as being more valuable than your current salary, you didn't demonstrate that you create additional value not only in what you do but in how you help others to do their job better, and you didn't stand out as clearly worthy of the raise or promotion.

What's right with the current situation? There is always something good about a current situation that you can make even better or apply to your future plans. Build on the strengths you have to take you where you want to be.

What result don't you like and how can you adapt to get the result you want. In most cases you don't need to scrap everything, but you do need to change some things about the way you're behaving and the actions you're taking now. And speaking of actions...

Don't bother yourself about what anyone else is or isn't doing. You can't control the actions or inactions of others so stop trying to. Your success hinges on the actions you, and only you do or don't take.

Because you control your results and your destiny you have to take actions, and you have to stop allowing yourself to make excuses. Excuses are just self-defeating drivel. Excuses are what you can expect from little children because they haven't yet learned that they're responsible for themselves, not an adult like you. So stop complaining, stop making excuses, stop blaming anyone or anything else and start taking full responsibility for getting different results. Your only competition is you, time, and resources so look within yourself for the success you want develop solid plans and implement those plans through daily action.

Ready to get unstuck? Keys to Success, easy to use path for success. Get Time Management Tips and succeed faster.

What Are the Real Secrets to Success and Entrepreneurship?

No one can doubt that there are a ton of books on entrepreneurship and success. Every time you turn around someone is trying to offer advice on how you can succeed. There are hundreds of thousands of websites telling you for instance how to make a million dollars on the Internet, yet very few of those folks really know how, they just hope that you give them some money, usually $39.95 for secret instructions of how to do it.

You see they hope 10s of thousands of people will send them money so that they might make the million dollars that they are telling you that you can make. Silly isn't it? Well, what did the famous circus founder say; "There is a sucker born every minute" and I guess it goes with out saying, if you are buying secret promises on the Internet; "Buyer Beware!"

Still, with all the shrills and hype out there is a little unnerving some time. So, perhaps I might save you some time and money by telling you right here and now that the secret to success is simple and I give it to you FREE, yes I know a four-letter, word, still we both know; free is your favorite price. So, what is the secret to success? Well here it is:

Work Hard, Work Smart, Make Lots of Friends and Never Give Up - Lance 2007.
What about the secrets to building a strong entrepreneurial team? Well, there is a good book that you can buy on eBay used for probably under $5.00 and so let me recommend it to you:

"Secrets of Entrepreneurial Leadership - Building Top Performance Through Trust and Teamwork" by Ted Nicholas - 1993.

Have you developed a sense of mission and shown your team how to set goals, while learning how to say NO, eloquently and use rewards for superior performance only when applicable? Do you provide your employees and team an innovative and creative setting - have you developed a strong company culture and are you keeping score of the results? The author suggests 20-trust building methods, and those alone are worth the price of the book.

When I say that you need to make lots of friends, one thing I mean is you need to work together with a team you can trust, an inner circle of friends and rather than compete you need to learn to cooperate:

"The Death of Competition - Leadership & Strategy in the age of the Business Ecosystem" by James F. Moore - 1996.

Let me just list a few of the chapter headings in this book: Why do businesses fail, Why use the ecological metaphor, Co-evolution, Searching the Terrain for Opportunities (Common Ground), The revolution is spreading, The Red Queen Affect, Renewal or death, The Paradox of Prowess Activity. Just the chapter titles gives you a sense of how to get it done, what works and why.

So, let me recommend that you pick up a copy of this book too and read it thru. The biggest secret of all to success is that there is no secret; Work Hard, Work Smart, Make Lots of Friends and Never Give Up! Think on it, try it out, you will see what I mean, a happier, and more successful you.

L. Winslow is an Economic, Political and Technology Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur . Mr. Winslow's motto in life is; "Work Hard, Work Smart, Make Lots of Friends and Never Give Up!" Lance's future challenges include bicycling across the US and writing 100 eBooks, he has written 10 so far, even considering co-authors for a few, perhaps you wish to write a book too?

Maximising Your Success By Selling Yourself

Did you know that you are involved in the world's oldest trade? No, I don't mean what you think I mean! Although it does kind of come under the same category ..

I'm talking about sales.

Now don't try and imagine that you're no salesperson.

Do you really think that you don't sell yourself with every step you take?

People make snap judgments of you in less than two seconds. That's all it takes to make a first impression.

And it doesn't matter what industry you're in, what your goals for the day, week or year hold, the way you sell yourself will affect your success.

You might be the most independent, self-driven person in the world, but you'll still be affected in some way by other people's perceptions of you.

So what image are you selling to the world? How would someone describe you if they'd just met you? What 'lasting impression' would you leave?

Maybe you don't care. You're not concerned with other people's opinions of you. You're quite self-sufficient and extremely confident in your own abilities, thank you very much.

It's quite a liberating way to go about your life, isn't it? No regard for anyone except yourself. Could get pretty lonely after a while though. Not to mention damn near impossible to keep up. We're all dependent on other people in one way or another. Interdependent, at the very least.

Which means that those people's opinions, their perceptions of you - well, they count.

Don't they?

Think about it - how do you come across to your potential clients, your colleagues, your boss, a new employer? To your family? To friends, both new and old, to a potential partner? To the man on the street?

Do you sell yourself as a happy, energetic, positive-minded person? Someone who others would love to be around? Or do you let the world see that you're carrying its weight on your shoulders? Are you rude to strangers because you're too important or too busy to care?

Every time someone see you in a certain light, they reflect that back to you. Which reinforces your own image of yourself, and then your future behaviour. Can you see how this works? It's a vicious cycle. Or else a positive one.

So let's consider this in more depth. How do you decide how to sell yourself?

I think it all comes down to how you define yourself. We've discussed that the way you perceive (or present) yourself is inevitably the way others will perceive you. Ever heard the expression 'you create your own reality'?

So if you think you're no good at your job, that you're just bluffing your way until someone finds out, then the truth is that no matter how hard you try to hide it, your actions will - in some way - start to mirror your beliefs. Long story short - the more strongly you believe you're not good at your job, the higher the chances of other thinking it also.

What else? How about relationships? Do you think to yourself deep within that no-one would want to be with you? That they'll all see through to the insecure gawky kid within, no matter how well packaged the exterior? Could you be projecting these thoughts to other people?

Everything you think, every expression or twitch you make, is selling something about yourself. Selling the concept of you. Even if others don't see it - their subconscious will pick it up. And record it. File it away under your name.

So let's talk about how you want to pitch yourself to your prospects. In work and in life. Sounds a bit cold, doesn't it? Maybe you think life shouldn't be quite so calculated. But why not? If you project your fears and insecurities without realising it, when in fact most of the time you are a confident, skilled and able person - who might be able to help others enhance their lives, then you really are selling yourself short. On top of that, others could be missing out on your fabulous company, your knowledge, or who knows what else!

How would you like to be defined?

If you were a company, how would you brand yourself? A company without a mission statement, with no marketing package or presentation for potential clients, is one that will never get off the ground.

You're not that different.

Take a look at these two companies - both with great products. One company has carefully determined it's branding and ridden a success wave ever since, while the other is clearly just continuing to follow an old pattern and is now dying a slow death.

Visit and to see what I'm talking about.

Are you running programs that are years old and no longer apply? Are you still presenting yourself as who you were 10 years ago? Concerned that it would be boasting to sell the 'new, improved' you; to tell others of your skills and abilities? To promote yourself both in the workplace, and outside?

Think about it.

And then do something about. Plan your campaign. The great unveiling of you. And then sell it like you mean it, or else fake it till you make it, 'cause nothing sells better than passion, and you and your prospects deserve nothing less.

Katrina Eden is a CHEK trainer and Metabolic Typing Advisor in Australia. Make up your mind to press play on life with Katrina and 'Play Life'.


To contact Katrina email -

The Winner's Attitude

If you can't see yourself doing something or achieving something, you literally cannot do it! It's not what you are that holds you back; it's what you think you're not.

In order to get the winning edge, we need to strive for excellence, not perfection. Striving for perfection is neurotic; striving for excellence is progress, because there is nothing that can't be done better or improved.All that we need is a little edge.

The will to win and the will to achieve go dry and arid without constant reinforcement. Throughout history, winners and heroes have experienced periods in their lives that could be described as their desert experiences, when they've been confused and discouraged. Why, therefore, does it come as a surprise to us when we experience similar times in our lives? Times that are dry and arid, when we feel discouraged, times of stress when events in our lives are taking place so fast that we don't know the questions, much less the answers

These following four self directed keys will give you an edge in winner's attitude.

Positive self-awareness. You can learn to live without limitations. Limits are physical boundaries, but imitations are psychological barriers, such as feeling unworthy of material success or happiness. So, avoid judging yourself against the fantasies presented by television commercials and motion pictures. Reality says you have the potential to become infinitely more than you are now.

Positive self-esteem. You want to say, "I like myself. I'd rather be me than anyone else in the world." With positive self-talk, you can have a strong sense of self-worth, regardless of your status. Instead of comparing yourself to others, view yourself in terms of your own abilities, interests, and goals.

Positive self-determination. Losers let it happen. Winners make it happen. Life is a do it yourself project. Whatever you give credence to in your thinking will likely come to pass. Learn to develop two critical capabilities: the ability to live with uncertainty, and the ability to delay immediate gratification in favor of long-range goals. Losers try to escape from their fears with activities that are tension relieving. Winners are motivated by their desires toward activities that are goal achieving.

Positive self-talk. Positive self-talk, before and after performance, is an important key to the permanent enhancement of self-esteem and goal achievement. Our self-image has been built by our own belief and thoughts about ourselves. Become aware of your silent conversation. You are constantly judging and prejudging every action. Your self- talk is creating your self-image and your goals. The most important briefings, meetings and conversations you'll ever have are the ones you'll have yourself. It isn't enough to want success. It's not enough to plan it. It's not enough to act on it. You must think it, see it, and say it - every minute of your life.


"If everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane." We've all read or heard similar humorous observations regarding the idea that, when all seems to be going well, it's merely the precursor to some sort of disaster. Unfortunately, many people seem to base their attitudes on that perception and, even more regrettably, they often permit such negativity to influence not only their lives but also the lives of others.

Is it possible you've never been guilty of this transgression? When a colleague made a particularly impressive sale, did you ever say something along the lines of "Well, it'll probably take forever to top that one!" or "Too bad you can't do that all the time, huh?"

Ever told someone going on a trip that you've been there before and had a terrible time? Even telling a child who brings home a good report card to "Keep it up!" can lessen the moment, because it implies that the current achievement isn't truly enough or that you fear poor performance in the future. Such statements carry "conditional approval" that demands future accomplishment as well.

One of the keys to harmony, in the workplace or at home, is for everyone to feel good - about themselves and about their accomplishments. The next time you have the opportunity to make a comment, take a moment and carefully consider what you're saying - and how you're saying it. Squash any negativity right then and there.

It's an attitude that's easy to change once you're aware of it and its effect on those around you. Simply put, view the glass as being half full, not half empty. The power of negative thinking can make an even stronger impression than that of positive thinking, so be careful how you wield that power!

Amanda Howard is an Associate Broker for The Amanda Howard Team and Weichert Realtors in the Tennessee Valley Area. Amanda also hosts a one hour real estate program on WVNN. Find out more about Amanda Howard at

10 Important Tips to Successful Real Estate Investing

When it comes to investing, everybody has certain goals and aspirations. However, we have found that there are certain guidelines every aspiring real estate investor needs to know:

1. Compare Property Values and Rents

Financial statistics only go so far; the best measure of a property's market value is often the sale prices of nearby properties. The same holds true for area rents. A low price can often be justified by a reasonable rent; renters who can afford a high rent can afford to buy instead, so reasonably priced rent is a need.

2. Be careful - Tax laws may change

Don't base your tax investment on current tax laws. The tax code is constantly changing, and a good investment is a good investment regardless of the tax code. The right property with the right financing is what you should look for as an investor.

3. Specialize in something you Know

Start in a market segment you know. Whether you focus on fixer-uppers, foreclosures, starter homes, low-down payment properties, condominiums, or small apartment buildings, you'll benefit from experience by specializing in one aspect of investment real estate properties.

4. Know the Costs going in!

Know the financial statements inside out. What are operating expenses? What are loan payments? Vacancy costs? Taxes? What does the cash flow statement look like? These are key issues that must be addressed before making a solid investment.

5. Know where your tenants are coming from

If the last rent increase was recent, your tenants may be considering a move. If tenants have a short-term lease, they may be living there simply to attract unsuspecting buyers. It is also important to collect the tenants' security deposits at closing.

6. Assess the tax situation

Taxes are an integral part of successful real estate investing, and they often make the difference between a positive cash flow and a negative one. Know the tax situation, and see how it can be manipulated to your advantage. It may be a good idea to consult a tax advisor.

7. Investigate insurance coverage

If seller's coverage is based on lower-than-current replacement value, your insurance cost may increase when you pay a higher purchase price.

8. Confirm Utility Costs

Ask the local utilities to verify recent utility expenses, especially if any of these costs are included in your tenant's rent.

9. Consult Your Accountant

Taxation is a key element of successful real estate investing, so be sure to find an accountant who is well-versed with the constantly evolving tax code.

10. Inspect!

Make sure that you always perform a thorough inspection of the property before buying it. Never, ever buy any property without at least examining the site. In some cases, hiring professional inspectors to examine the structural mechanical system may be a sound investment.

Neda Dabestani-Ryba is a licensed Realtor in Maryland. She is a member of the President's Circle of Top Real Estate Professionals. She can be reached at (800) 536-3806 or visit her website for more information:

Prudential Carruthers REALTORS is an independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc., a Prudential Financial company. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Neda Dabestani-Ryba - EzineArticles Expert Author

How To Choose A Web Host

There are certain qualities you should look for in a web host to make certain you are getting the best deal all round. Fortunately you are in a buyer's market: there are dozens of web hosting businesses out there, just clamoring for your business. That's a good thing if you can identify the very best deals out there, and this article aims to help you do that.

1. Don't go on price alone
It is tempting to go for a terrific monthly hosting fee of $4.99 or whatever. It appears great on the face of it, but are you getting enough for even that limited amount? The answer is research, research, research. Find yourself a hosting review, or several, and compare the reviews of the various packages. Don't be too proud to take the advice these sites offer either. It is their bread and butter to make the right calls. They may even suggest terrific special deals, and then you are on a winning wicket.

2. Look for a specialist web hosting company
If you are a keen web surfer you will know that there are dozens of businesses out there offering to give you templates for free, web sites for free and dozens of add-ons for free. Others offer to pay your transfer expenses when switching from another host. It sounds great, but after you have invested time and effort investigating, you find that the firm makes its money out of web hosting. In other words, they give you the mountains of extras up front and then encourage you deeply (we won't use the word "force") to use their web hosting facilities. That's not professional and it's not fair. Avoid that approach and find a web hosting company that calls itself one!

3. Look for the real live people in the equation
The best web hosting companies have been around for a long time, employ great technical and support personnel and they communicate heavily with their users. Here are a couple of things that tell you loud and clear you are with a high-quality firm: 24/7 help desk, online chat support, full contact us details, a user forum or blog and regular newsletters, emails or other communiqués. At all times a human being must be in evidence. You don't want to have urgent questions to ask and no one in the world to talk to about it. The very best web hosting companies have help desks that go beyond the call of duty, even helping you out with unrelated computer and software queries. These are the gems of web hosting companies worth digging for.

4. Capacity, capacity, capacity
Lots of web hosting companies offer free software (at the moment there is one offering $700 worth of free software) but more important than anything else is capacity. There are great 3TB offers out there now and 3TB storage space is going to meet most small to medium business requirements. And you need all the up time you can get. Make sure about downtime. If your web hosting company is counting its monthly downtime in minutes, not seconds, then don't go for it. There are great web hosting deals with the most incredible gear out there that effectively have no downtime at all. You cannot afford to lose online time which means losing sales, losing income and losing customers, so find the jewels of the web hosting world in a hosting review or another resource.

5. Check the web hosting company's website
There is a failsafe way to get the bottom line on most online businesses. Check out their web site carefully. It is practically impossible for companies to conceal their true nature when it comes to their websites. A fly-by-night company has a fly-by-night website. A conservative, slow company has a conservative, slow website. A happening, high tech company has a happening, high tech website. A methodical, reliable company has the same type of site. And so on. Find a website you are comfortable with and the chances are you will have found your web host.

Justine Richards is an SEO writer, publisher and online bookstore owner. Read more at, and

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Orange Mobile Phones - Office in Your Pocket

With the Orange SPV M5000 Mobile phone you are literally carrying the office in your pocket. In fact it is more like a mini laptop. It is shaped like a charming clamshell. It is large by today's PDA and smart phone standards. The cover has a Teflon coated metallic finish to it. The front edge of the device reveals the stereo speakers on the corners. Between these speakers there's the camera / voice prompt buttons and a slider for the volume control. Next to this is a "light bulb" button, which turns the screen backlight on or the screen on if it's in "standby" mode. With the lid closed you can answer a c

Screen and keypad

The lid once open reveals the screen and the keypad. The screen is bright and crisp. It's a transflective TFT jobby with a VGA resolution. The 3.7in screen has a resolution of 640 x 480. Even in the daylight the screen was quite vivid. The screen panel has navigational pad which allows easy browsing of web pages and documents. The keyboard is comfortable and large with each key bevelled to help location. The full QWERTY keyboard needs dexterous use of the thump to key in when nestled in your palms as the layout is somewhat different. The screen of this Orange mobile phone will swivel around to face outwards and then fold flat against the keyboard. Then the screen layout automatically switches from landscape to portrait mode and it can be used like any normal PDA.


Windows Mobile 5.0 powers the Orange SPV M5000 mobile phone. The is one of the very first 3G data-centric wireless PDA, with full voice capability. This enables downloading of the email and browsing the web very quick. It is also GPRS connected so the user can chat on IM.


This Orange mobile phone has two digital cameras. One is a 1.3 mega pixel device for taking still images and video - the latter can be recorded as MPEG 4 or motion JPEG, but the resolution is limited to 320 x 240. The second camera is limited to low resolution for video calls. It has about 45MB for storage.

Orange HTC Touch is the Latest mobile phone from Orange Mobile Phones and this mobile phone is available on Best Phone Shop UK.

The Author Harry K Smith is SEM Consultant for Mobile Phone Shop UK.

Free Movie For Iphone - It's Pretty Easy

Download free movie for Iphone has become the goal of many new Iphone owners. A lot for people feel that the fees by services such as Itunes etc are a little too high, so they would much prefer to download free movies for their Iphone. Here's how it's done.

You'll find that there are thousands of websites offering to let you download free movies for Iphone, the only problem is that most of them really are not to be trusted. We've put together a little guide so that you know what to look out for:

Avoid any spyware/adware. A good way to do this is just to avoid any sites with annoying popups etc. These are the kinds of sites where any spyware will usually crop up, so while on your quest to download free movies for Iphone, avoid sites like that!

Find a site that does what it says. Trying to download free movies for Iphone can be trial and error at first, and you'll find lots of sites that promise the earth and deliver zip. Easy ways to spot sites that don't to what they say is to see whether they are upfront about things. If they tell you it's free but then they try and charge you each month or something, it's best to get out while you can.

Avoid P2P/Torrent sites when trying to download free movies for Iphone. Sites like these are really popular, but A- they are illegal, and B- they are hugely popular with hackers too, and are the main spreading grounds for viruses etc. If they can give you a virus that kills your computer, imagine what it will do too your Iphone!

Be prepared to pay-Paying doesn't seem like the best way to download "free" movies for Iphone, but there are a few pretty smart companies emerging these days, and they really are your best bet. The way it works is that you would pay a one off fee to join the site, and once joined you have unlimited access to their whole database of stuff-this is often millions of files, not just movies but music and games too. The memberships are a reasonable price, usually something like $25 to $40, and for that you never have to pay for a movie or music again. Do you see now why they say that this is the best way to download free Iphone movies?

The Iphone is truly a great piece of technology, and what could make it better than downloading free movies for it? Happy downloading!

Click Here to get free Iphone downloads-whether you want games or movies it's right here, and it's fast and easy

Article Source

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Joys Of Failure

I've been seriously rethinking my views on just what failure is and is not. I'm putting together a talk on the above subject and it's made me think a lot about my life till now. I realize that I am now and continue to be an amazing failure!

I am a failure at being what other people think I should be.
I am a failure at thinking the way other people think I should think.
I am a failure at looking the way other people think I should look.
And I couldn't be happier.

Not being what other people think I should be has given me the freedom to explore my life and my opportunitites in different, innovative ways.

Not thinking the way other people think I should think has given me the freedom to explore self-education, alternative education and to have my education actually serve my needs.

Not looking the way other people think I should look as given me permission to be a unique individual with my own style and my own likes and dislikes.

Most of the dictionaries and 99% of society think of failure as a bad thing. I don't happen to share their opinion. How could you possibly succeed if you don't know how to fail? How would you recognize success, then? Look at Thomas Edison - he failed 10,000 times to make a light bulb. When asked how he felt about so many failures, he said "I have not failed, I have simply found 10,000 ways not to make a light bulb.".

Go try something you've never done before. Give yourself permission to fail. That way, you get a lot more joy when you succeed! After all, if you've never done it before, you have nothing to compare it to and you decide whether you've failed at all! Failure is all in YOUR mind. How many people do you know that blow off compliments saying that they could have done better and then list excuses? Especially when they've done something you are aching to just achieve a 10th of? It's all relative and it's all so very personal.

I give you permission (if you need it) to go try something new this next week. Something you've never done before and know nothing about. Go ahead, have fun.

DeBorah Beatty
Walla Walla, Washington

Deborah Beatty - EzineArticles Expert Author

NLP - 3 Steps to Live an Abundant Life

As you increase the level of your self-confidence and self-esteem, you begin to become more aware of your thoughts-emotions, which we will call states. Our states determine the way we behave, the kind of energy we radiate, the way we think and feel about ourselves and others.

First, you can hope to have an abundant life. A lot of people don't even hope to have a great life. They just blame everything and everyone. They are without hope for a better future. But hope is only the beginning of the journey. Once you hoped for an abundant life, you have to step up and believe that you will have an abundant life and that you're having right now, an extraordinary life. Believing in your heart is the second step toward self-actualization, toward true happiness.

The third step is definitively one that will require a total different state of mind than the other two. It is the state of knowing that you're having right now and will always have an abundant life.

Once you discover that everything you have right now is for your best and highest good, you start entering the state of knowing. Knowing in your heart, mind and soul, that everything is ok. You live an abundant life. There is no confusion, no doubt. And as you start to expand this knowledge to your past and future, you begin to realize that you are "abundance". That is simply who you are, who you were and who you will always be.

Now, think about where you are. Do you hope for a better future? Do you believe that you will have a better future or do you know it?

And now, I would like to offer you my famous 5 part mini-course "Discover the TOP 5 secrets of EVERY highly successful Person to Achieve What You Want" today at

And I also would like to share with you a Free Special Report entitled True Leadership: Leadership From The Heart that will teach you how you can become a whole, stress-free and healthy leader today at

Emmanuel Segui -

Article Source:

3 Magical Questions to Motivate

As kids it was easy. As kids we knew how to dream and how to motivate ourselves - and our parents - into getting the things we really wanted. We simply didn't know we couldn't get what we wanted. But as adults it's a different story. Even the things we started out wanting to do often become the "have to's" we avoid.

Remember when you started? Remember how excited you were to tell the world all about what you were doing and how wonderful it made you feel? Remember how you just dove in, in your own way, and got started... until.... Until that first road block when you got overwhelmed with the work of developing your message, your business cards, you client base, your schedule, etc. etc.

Do you want it back? You can have it again any time you wish.

It only takes 3 magical questions you can ask yourself anywhere, anytime in 3 minutes or less. And the more often you ask yourself these questions - whether it's while you're driving, in the shower, or just hanging up from a phone call that didn't go your way - you're sure to find yourself re energized and feeling good again.

Ready? Here they are:

1. What do I really want?

What is the outcome you really really want? Envision it. Let yourself see it as if it's already happened. Maybe it's finding a way to make it right with that client who's upset (envision that client smiling again). Maybe it's landing the biggest contract of your life (envision shaking hands with your dream client with the signed contract complete). Maybe it's as simple as getting what you need done in the day so that you can make it to your child's recital tonight (envision watching your child on stage). It doesn't matter, just envision it as if you've already accomplished it. Don't worry about the how, just the what.

2. Why is having that really important to me? What will I really have now that I've accomplished it?

Is it a sense that you've done the right thing? Is it a feeling of freedom or success? Is it a feeling of satisfaction? Is it a feeling of connection with your family? Whatever it is for you, let yourself experience the emotion of already having it. And pay attention to how your body responds to that feeling. Does your stomach relax? Do your shoulders drop? Do you sit up a little straighter? These are important signals to be aware of.

3. What one thing could I do right now that might move me in the direction I most want to go?

Take action! Do the thing that comes to mind first - even if it's as simple as allowing yourself to feel more of the 'why' for another minute, or as random as taking a walk. The action you take serves as an acknowledgment of the outcome you most want. Without action, it remains a dream. But with action, you begin to make it a reality. Think of it like a car. If it's sitting still, you'll never get there. But if it's moving you can begin to steer it in the direction you want to go.

The more often you ask yourself these 3 questions, and follow through, the more you can feel like a kid at Christmas about your life and your business all over again.

Lori Chance is a writing coach who uses her experience as a life coach, mother, woman and entrepreneur to enhance the lives of herself and others. She recently published Who Am I? How to Answer the Single Most Important Question You'll Ever Ask, a resource for women in transition.

Feel free to learn more about Lori online at Destination Words. You may also enjoy reading of her blogs.

Article Source:

NLP - 3 Ways to Be Full of Optimism

As I already mentioned in one of my articles, NLP has developed a model that I call the "magic disc" and that is composed of several elements. I'm going to talk about 3 ways that will enhance the quality of your life by developing the quality of optimism.

1. You must have positive emotions. It was discovered through study that there is more than 200 emotions. Let's pretend now that half of them are positive like happiness, peace, gratitude, and half of them are negative, like fear, anger or frustration. Standing on the positive side of the road, always, all day long, is very difficult, but that's how you can get a life that you can be proud of, a life worth living, an extraordinary life.

2. You must have positive thoughts. Studies showed that one can have 5000 thoughts or more in a given day. If it's true or not, I don't know, but what I do know is that we have a lot of thoughts going on in our daily life. Some are positive and some are negative, or somewhat positive and somewhat negative. There are numerous tools that you can use, NLP tools and techniques, to quickly change an emotion or a thought and turn it into positive.

3. You have to use positive words. Words are a reflection of what you think and what you feel. Use positive words. Use "Do" instead of "Don't". People that use "don't" all the time are people who know exactly what they don't want in life. They rarely know what they really want. If you want to be full of optimism, use positive words. This way, you will feel positive emotions and you will think positive.

Again, everything is interconnected, as the NLP magic disc has revealed to us. Change your thoughts and you change your emotions. I personally found that changing the way I speak to myself and others has a dramatic impact on my life. Try it! But be careful, you can become a person full of optimism. Is that what you want?

And now, I would like to offer you my famous 5 part mini-course "Discover the TOP 5 secrets of EVERY highly successful Person to Achieve What You Want" today at

And I also would like to share with you a Free Special Report entitled True Leadership: Leadership From The Heart that will teach you how you can become a whole, stress-free and healthy leader today at

Emmanuel Segui -

Article Source:

Where Are The Customers?

It's 8:15 am. Your experienced, professional, sales oriented, customer service focused service techs are still at the shop. Ready to go...with nowhere to go. Or, it's 10:00 am. Your shop is open...and the only folks on the floor are wearing your company name badge.

Sigh. Now what?

It's up to you. Put on your Marketing Hat, and CREATE some action.

"That which you recognize, you energize." Mark Victor Hansen

Recently, on the TV show Dateline, there was a segment on an out-of-the-ordinary sailboat race. Fortunately, this adventure is captured in its entirety on film because a camera crew was tagging along on the favored-to-win boat. As the crew worked to increase their lead over the other boats, one of them spotted a 'water spout', a tornado over the open sea. The rest of the crew turned to look at the phenomenon, and the waterspout turned...and headed straight for them.

They zigged and zagged to avoid the tornado, but to no avail. The tornado stayed with them, like stink on a working dog. The sailors pulled the sails and lowered the mast. They filled the boat half full of water so that it wouldn't get sucked up into sky by the force of the massive funnel cloud. The tornado actually settled right on top of them. In fact, the crew PULLED it right on top of them by the power of their focus.

Do you get this? Do you understand that you are so powerful that your every thought, every action is a force of CREATION? The nature of reality is that we are crafting it.

If you don't have any customers to serve it is because you have neglected to create them. Your focus has been elsewhere.

"Winners do not neglect to do the easy things that cause success. The definition of 'easy' is 'something I can do.'" Jim Rohn

The following is a list of ideas for getting the phone to ring and getting customer to stop in. Add ideas to the list from your own experiences. Have a Brainstorming Session with your team, and come up with a few dozen more. When faced with an empty shop, pull this list out and DO SOMETHING.

• Call your own phone numbers. Make sure they are working.

• Call the radio station and offer to do a call in show on your area of expertise. No self serving pitches...find a fun way to educate consumers.

• Wear a costume. Colonel Sanders started his chicken empire at the age of 65. He donned a white suit, with a black string tie, and traded 11 secret herbs and spices for a nickel a batch. 60 years later, KFC has 12,000 stores and the Colonel is the BRAND. Put a costume on...and press some flesh.

• Craft an Elevator Speech...a 10 second introduction of you and your company that's so compelling that people listening respond, "Wow...that's interesting. Tell me more..." Here's what an Elevator Speech is not: "I'm just a car salesman." A good Elevator Speech is: "Have you ever tried to kick a few tires and had the salesperson hound you like a cat after a cricket? Don't you hate that? I make finding the right car a fun, no-pressure adventure." Craft your Speech and give it to 10 people a day.

• Park your nicely decaled truck in high visibility places.

• Find a parade. Park the truck next to the parade route. Hand out water from the back of the truck.

• Write a controversial Letter to the Editor.

• Call your kid's teacher. Offer to go to your kid's school and read a story. Wear your service uniform, and arrive in the service truck.

• Put a sign in the window of a good friend's place of business. Make it a GREAT sign.

• Put a flag or banner with your logo and number on it on your house, car, family member or pet and wave it proudly.

• Call folks who said, "no" to a previous offer. Ask them again. Nicer this time.

• Mend a fence. Call a less than satisfied customer and apologize. Offer to help with any problems to demonstrate how great you really are.

• Ask, ask, ask, ask, ask, ask, ask for business. They may say, "Yes, I need your help. Thanks for asking." And off you go...calls on the board, and business is booming. It really is a matter of you making it happen. It's easy. It's something you can do. It may be challenging and fear inducing and a bit stressful to get out there and ask for business, but it is something you can do.

"No mariner ever distinguished himself on calm seas."

OK...back to the sailing race from the Dateline story. Certainly, being run over by a tornado is a good enough reason to throw in the towel. The Dateline reporter asked the captain if he ever thought of giving up the race.

"NO," he replied vehemently. "It was never a question as to whether we would continue to race. If we could, we would. The sail sustained some damage. No big deal. We all assumed that we would continue...and that we would win."

So, the tornado was deviation from the plan. They dusted themselves off, and set sail. They came in a close second, an astonishing achievement when you consider that their competitors didn't get run over by a tornado. They were the only boat to have to pull their sail and mast down. They came in 25 yards behind the winner, and they are working now to take the trophy back next year.

A "no customers" day is unacceptable. When it happens, make a change. It's like falling down...and getting up again. It's like getting distracted, getting blown off course, and responding with a new focus. It's up to you to turn the tide. And you are vastly capable of it.

Ellen Rohr is the President and Founder of Bare Bones Biz, a business training and consulting company that teaches clients how to turn big ideas into successful businesses. Rohr is the successful author of numerous business basics books, including: Where Did the Money Go? - Accounting Basics for the Business Owner Who Hates Numbers and How Much Should I Charge? - Pricing Basics for Making Money Doing What You Love.

Ready to make more money? Go to NOW and sign up to receive the latest information on our FREE monthly Teleseminars, Biz Exposes and New Bare Bones Biz Products.

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Accept Credit Card Payments

Are you ready to accept credit card payments for your business? Accept credit card payments at industry lowest rates. If you are not accepting credit card payments you are loosing your customer to your competitors. As you know today larger number of customers prefers to pay through credit card and if you do not have the capability to accept credit card payments you are lagging behind the market rends.

A merchant account will help you to accept credit card payments by providing you with the means to have free credit-processing equipment. You can get a combined terminal and printer, a wireless unit, or a debit and electronic check processor. Auxiliary equipment, like pagers, also is available through your merchant services account. It is important to contact a merchant account provider with your business plan as well as a budget for managing the expenses of your new commercial status. An underwriter will want to see that you have thought out your expansion plan and that you are in a position to make it work.

You may think that the process of accepting credit is expensive and you will have to share your profit as transaction fee. But it is not so. There are companies that offer inexpensive merchant account services and lot of free stuff like credit card terminal, payment gateway software for your e-business etc. Just send you query form to us and we will help you set up a merchant account that is lowest in the industry. You will get free merchant account quote to compare and choose. There is no obligation in the process. If you like it - accept it. But we can guarantee you for the industry lowest rate credit card processing rates. Accept credit and debit card and pay minimum processing fee.

Besides industry lowest processing rate, we offer you free credit card terminals or processing machines. We will also offer you round the clock technical support and free software for payment gateway. We have custom built top of the line credit card terminals and software for your business. Have a merchant account and start accepting credit card payments quickly.

Send us your query form and we will offer you free merchant quotes for your business. Our representative will talk to you and will assist you in the entire process. Accept credit card payments at industry lowest rate and see your business grow. Get free merchant account quotes now.

Zed Miller, an expert business writer, regularly contributes his articles to various websites just to help merchants, small businesses and retail houses to expand their market base by accepting the prevailing mode of payments.
Visit to read more articles from this author

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The Secret to Building Your Business from the Inside Out

As a woman entrepreneur, have you ever wondered what the secret is for building business success? Sure, it's important to have a mission statement, a business plan, and a product or service that meets the needs of your niche market. It's also essential that you have funding to back your venture, a support system in place to guide and mentor you along your journey, and savvy business acumen.

Yet even if you have all these things, you still may not hold the key. What is the key to business success for women? The secret is to build your business from the inside out. From a place inside that you as a woman intuitively know and understand. From your Inner Samurai. If you are an entrepreneurial woman committed to doing work that is meaningful and important; if you see your work as a mission, service, or calling; if your goal is to help other people transform their lives and make a difference in the world, then the key to making that happen is to connect with your Inner Samurai. Connect with my Inner Samurai? What's that?

Connecting to your Inner Samurai means connecting to your "inner knower". This will empower you with the strength you will need on your journey as you build a successful business.

All You Need to Know about Your Inner Samurai

Who? Your Inner Samurai is known by many names. It has been called the voice within, the inner knower, the still small voice, God Self, Soul, God Within, and Spirit, to name a few.

What? Your Inner Samurai is best defined by describing its opposite - the voice inside the head, the monkey mind, the ego. By contrast, your Inner Samurai is the inner voice, the voice within. It is the quiet, sure, confident, strong, vast, and powerful voice of inner knowing. Being able to tell the difference between the rationalizing, explaining, blaming, and chattering voice inside your head and the calm, sure, wise voice of your Inner Samurai will make all the difference to your business success.

Where? Your Inner Samurai is aptly named because it is the voice within. Inner because the voice is deep within your being (to distinguish it from the voice inside your head) and Samurai because of how strong and powerful it is. Understanding who your Inner Samurai is and knowing where to connect with it are vital for your business success.

Why? Everyone has an inner voice. It is that part of us that is the repository of all our life experiences, hopes, and dreams. It's so important to get in touch with our Inner Samurai because it is our greatest source of strength and knowing. It is the seat of our wisdom. It is the place of our extraordinary uniqueness. It exists to remind us of who we are. How? The most challenging part of connecting with your Inner Samurai is realizing how it communicates with you. Your Inner Samurai has a gentle, yet very recognizable, way of doing so - I like to call it "pulsing." When you go inward and ask your Inner Samurai a question, you will feel a pulse answering you. This pulse will have one of two distinct qualities. It will feel like either a yes or a no.

When? Once you know who, what, where, why, and how, the last thing you need to know is when. When is the best time to tune in and feel for the pulse of your Inner Samurai? The answer is: always. Make your Inner Samurai the primary voice you listen to. Turn to others for support. Turn inward for guidance. When in doubt between your feelings and thoughts, go with the pulse. Your Inner Samurai will never lead you astray, do you wrong, or leave you hanging. Your Inner Samurai pulse is right 100% of the time. So, enjoy writing your mission statement and your business plan. Get creative making your product or service the best it can be. Develop positive relationships with your investors and supporters. And don't forget the most important relationship of all - the relationship with your Inner Samurai. It's the key to building your business success from the inside out.

Small Business Start Up Coach, Consultant, & Author takes the fear out of starting up businesses by providing value, inspiration, and direction to entrepreneurial women transforming lives and making a difference in the world. Accidental Pren-her™ Blog is where entrepreneurial women come to embrace their Inner Samurai.

A Mentor Can Change Your Life

Building a successful business does not happen overnight. It can take years to reach the point where you achieve what you want. I know, I speak from over 30 years of business experience that took me from being very naïve in running a business to now being one of the top in my industry.

When I began my dental practice over three decades ago, there was so much I didn't know on how to run a business. Although I did well my first year in business, it was nothing compared to what was to come. A major turning point in how I viewed business and how I ran my business was when I met the man who would change my life.

A quiet and gentle man, Charlie Schaivo, entered my life. Charlie was an accountant by trade and a very specialized consultant with an expertise in dental practice acquisitions. It was during my first acquisition that I met Charlie.

Charlie was a very refined man who rarely dressed in other than a business suit, well-pressed shirt, polished shoes and hat. He continues this practice even now in his late 80's. He once jokingly told me, "Joe, I even cut my lawn in a suit." Charlie's quiet confidence, love of learning and joy for life was contagious. I liked being around him. I could listen to him for hours as he instilled his wisdom in me.

It was during this time Charlie became the main mentor in my life. Little did I realize how influential and instrumental to my success this man would be. Initially, we didn't talk about the fact he was my mentor; that aspect of our relationship simply evolved. We met once a month from 1979 to 1998. Each time we met we spoke about the month, a little bit about what we were doing in the office, and a lot about personal success, personal growth, how to sell, and how to help people.

Charlie believed wholeheartedly in goal setting. It was the foundation of much of what created his success. It was one of the greatest insights to achievement Charlie passed on to me.

The goal setting process Charlie shared with me goes beyond a haphazard resolution or one that is simply for amusement; it lays the foundation for success so many people crave.

Today, the process is a part of my success strategy. I wouldn't dream of not using it. A major aspect of what Charlie shared is that of a yearly review. The process of the yearly review is one that I have grown to anticipate with great excitement. It allows me the opportunity to reflect on what I have accomplished over the previous year and what is possible in the coming year.

The yearly review cornerstone of what I teach anyone I mentor regarding achievement, success and goal setting.

My first serious attempt at setting goals and writing them down was New Year's of 1989 or 1989. The process included some vague goals, but they were goals nonetheless.

As with most processes, the more I studied goal setting, the more I realized the need to be extremely specific. Each year since that time, without fail, I review my previous goals, evaluate where I am in comparison to where I want to be, refine my current goals and set new ones. I am now much more specific about what I want. For example, in the beginning I might write down, "Read personal growth books." Now I will write, "Read personal development books for 30 to 60 minutes a day." The difference it the results from vague goals to specific goals is astounding.

One of the main reasons people don't achieve what they want is they are not specific enough. Another is that they make a half-hearted attempt at setting goals. They may think about what they want and call that goal setting. The fact is thinking about what you want is only part of the process. There is so much more.

My goal setting process begins within the first week of the New Year. I use a goal journal for the process. A goal journal can be as simple as a blank notebook or as elaborate as a bound, leather journal.

As I end one year and begin another I review my goals from the previous year. I determine whether I have met my goal, if I need to lessen or heighten the requirement of the goal or eliminate it all together. If I met the goal, do I need to change it?

The journal allows you to see your progression in specific areas each year. Take goals on physical fitness, for example. When your goals are clearly written, you can't deny whether or not you achieved your outcome. If you didn't, you could enhance the goal. In my case, when I reviewed my physical fitness, did I need to increase my running ability, number of days for working out? When you write your goals down, you hold yourself accountable for your goals.

Take time to set goals in every area of your life, both personally and professionally. Be very clear about what you want. From there, you must write this information down. Once you write it down, you must be willing to review your goals every single day. You must also be willing to make choices around what you wrote down. As Charlie has told me many times, "You can have anything you want if you are willing to pay the price."

A simple price to pay to achieve what you want is to notice the choices you make each and every day and adjust your choices accordingly.

Dr. Joe Capista is the owner of Williamsburg Dental, a multi-million dollar dental practice with two locations in Pennsylvania. Dr. Capista is a sought after keynote speaker who shares insights into what it takes to achieve Total Success. His book, What Can a Dentist Teach You about Business, Life and Success is scheduled for release in December, 2007. To learn more about Dr. Capista and get his Success Triangle Tips go to

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Trading Forex or Stock Market - Which Do You Choose?

You have had a desire to begin trading in the markets. You probably have heard allot about the stock market and its benefits, but what about trading forex. What are the advantages or disadvantages to trading forex over the stock market.

Lets begin by going over the major differences between the trading the forex market and trading the stock market. Well we have all heard about the scandals in the past regarding insider trading and stock manipulation in the stock market, but why have we not heard about any insider trading going on in the currency markets. You see the stock market has wall street as a centralized location. Where is the forex market located? Well it has no one specific location. Currencies are bought and sold between large financial institutions, businesses and different countries everyday. Prices in the currency market will fluctuate for a variety of reasons including news releases, trade reports,each countries economic conditions, etc. The forex market cannot be manipulated by any one person, so you can rest assured that your investment will not be affected by any fraudulent scam.

It takes an enormous amount of money to move the forex market in any one direction. Over two trillion dollars a day is traded in the forex market. Yes you heard me right, two trillion dollars. The stock market does not trade two trillion dollars in one month. I hope you can see now why it would be incredibly difficult for any one person or entity to move the market for any extended period of time. Another major difference between the trading forex and trading the stock market is leverage. When you open a forex trading account through a brokerage firm, you will generally be given 100:1 leverage. You can actually control $10,000 with a $100 account. While that sounds good. It can also hurt you if you do not know what you are doing. There are literally thousands of stocks to choose from. While there are only a handful of currencies that you would have to track makes it much easier to make a decision on what you will be trading.

One of the last things I want to go over is market hours.Since the forex market is a global market,time zones can vary greatly from country to country. Because of this fact, the forex markets are open for trading 24 hours a day. Since you are not limited to the normal business hours of the stock exchange, you have much more flexibility on the hours you choose to trade. This is not an exhaustive list of differences, but I hope you now have a better understanding of some of the major differences between Trading Forex and the Stock Market.

Eric Medina provides many more Free Forex Tips at Get more info on Forex Trading signals and an exclusive live trading group focused on the Forex Markets

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Top Five Tips Small Business Owners Can Learn From JK Rowling

J. K. Rowling is the English writer who has authored all seven beloved and widely read Harry Potter novels. At age 41, her rise to fame and fortune is inspiring. She has sold over 325 million books. The final book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was the fastest-selling book of all time.

Her fortune is estimated at $1 billion. She is ranked as the 136th richest person in the world. In 2006, Forbes named Rowling the second richest female entertainer in the world and ranked her as 48th on the 100 most powerful celebrities list of 2007.

When this all began in 1990, however, things were very different for J. K. Rowling. She was not a published author. She did not have a lot of money. She was living in London, working as a researcher and bi-lingual secretary for Amnesty International, and her mother had just died. How she got from there to where she is today is a story filled with invaluable tips for small business owners.

Tip # 1: Don't Rush to Roll Out Your Product.
Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences. - Rowling

Although J. K. Rowling had been a writer all her life, she was slow to publish. "I had written two novels before I had the idea for Harry, though I'd never tried to get them published (and a good job too, I don't think they were very good)."

All too often, as small business owners, we rush to get a product out before its time, before it's been fully considered or tested. Rowling sets a great example of getting a product just right before presenting it to the world.

Tip # 2: When a Great Idea Grabs You -- Grab Back.
You sort of start thinking anythings possible if you've got enough nerve. - Rowling

Great ideas are unmistakably powerful in their announcement and come when least expected. Rowling says:

Where the idea for Harry Potter actually came from, I really couldn't tell you. I was traveling on a train between Manchester and London and it just popped into my head. I spent four hours thinking about what Hogwarts would be like. By the time I got off at King's Cross, many of the characters in the books had already been invented.

As small business owners, we know when a great idea is upon us. The problem is, we often question it, second-guess it, and rationalize it away. Not Rowling. She recognized the mark of a powerful idea, seized upon it and went with it.

Tip # 3: Persevere, Persevere, and Persevere.
It is our choices . . . that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. - Rowling

Rowling moved to Portugal to teach English as a Second Language in 1991 and married her first husband in 1992. They divorced in 1993. The next year, she moved to Scotland. At this point, she was an unemployed single mother living on welfare. In 1995, she completed her manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, typing it out on an old manual typewriter. She handed in the book to twelve publishing houses. They all rejected it.

Rowling never gave up. She did not stop just because life was hard. Despite all the changes and setbacks she was experiencing, she carried on. She persevered. As small business owners, we would do well to keep her example in mind.

Tip # 4: Don't Let Anyone, Including Yourself, Sidetrack You from Your Goal.
If you're holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time. - Rowling

Finally, Bloomsbury, a small publisher, agreed to publish the first book. Her editor, though, says that he "advised Rowling to get a day job, since she had little chance of making money in children's books."

It's a good thing she didn't listen. All seven volumes of the Harry Potter series have broken sales records and have been translated into 65 languages. What a shining role model Rowling is for small business owners. She didn't let anyone stand in the way of her goal-not even herself.

Tip # 5: Each of Us Has a Unique Contribution to Make to the World.
I just write what I wanted to write. I write what amuses me. It's totally for myself. - Rowling

J. K. Rowling never went searching for the kind of success she's received. "I just wrote the sort of thing I liked reading when I was younger (and still enjoy now!). I didn't expect lots of people to like them, in fact, I never really thought much past getting them published."

It wasn't fame or wealth that J. K. Rowling sought. No. She simply wanted to contribute to the world in general, and to children specifically. As small business owners, this is so important to learn. Focus on the unique something we have to offer to the world. The rest will surely come, in ways we may not even be able to imagine.

Small Business Start Up Coach provides value, inspiration and direction to entrepreneurial women starting up and launching small businesses. Accidental Pren-her™ providing a place for pren-hers to share stories, build community, and embrace their inner Samurai. Welcome!