Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Real Life Indiana Jones - How To Earn Money While Traveling The World

Ever dreamed of being like a real life Indiana Jones, the character from the popular movie series who travels the world going from adventure to adventure? I know I have. But the question arises: how in the world could you make a living doing this? I mean would a museum really pay you enough to live off of. I really don't know.

The one thing I do know is that we all want the freedom to come and go as we please and still earn enough money to have a reasonably comfortable life. How in the world could that be possible? Well let's break it down. As a single person you probably would need to make about $2,000 per month to cover you basic expenses in most parts of the world. If you are married and your spouse works probably just double the figure for the both of you. If you have kids probably add an additional $1,000 per kid. So if you have a spouse and two kids we're talking about $6,000 per month after taxes. That's a lot of money. How can I travel the world, live out my adventure fantasy and earn that kind of money?

Well, Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, Infopreneurship or some combination of them is about the only way you can actually move around the globe and still earn that kind of money. With internet cafes existing even in some parts of the world not known for their infrastructure and wealth it is possible. I am not talking about internet scams here either.

To learn how to do this check out my Free E-Course at: http://www.successonthebeach.weebly.com/free-e-course.html Bill Stroud is an experienced business consultant who advises entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs and small businesses on how to "unlock the creativity within" and launch their infopreneur businesses. He offers a wealth of resources and how to's that he's learned by doing not just teaching. He can help you get started in just 3 days time and a commitment from you to be successful. Go to http://www.successonthebeach.netto learn more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Stroud

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