Sunday, October 28, 2007

Top Five Tips Small Business Owners Can Learn From JK Rowling

J. K. Rowling is the English writer who has authored all seven beloved and widely read Harry Potter novels. At age 41, her rise to fame and fortune is inspiring. She has sold over 325 million books. The final book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was the fastest-selling book of all time.

Her fortune is estimated at $1 billion. She is ranked as the 136th richest person in the world. In 2006, Forbes named Rowling the second richest female entertainer in the world and ranked her as 48th on the 100 most powerful celebrities list of 2007.

When this all began in 1990, however, things were very different for J. K. Rowling. She was not a published author. She did not have a lot of money. She was living in London, working as a researcher and bi-lingual secretary for Amnesty International, and her mother had just died. How she got from there to where she is today is a story filled with invaluable tips for small business owners.

Tip # 1: Don't Rush to Roll Out Your Product.
Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences. - Rowling

Although J. K. Rowling had been a writer all her life, she was slow to publish. "I had written two novels before I had the idea for Harry, though I'd never tried to get them published (and a good job too, I don't think they were very good)."

All too often, as small business owners, we rush to get a product out before its time, before it's been fully considered or tested. Rowling sets a great example of getting a product just right before presenting it to the world.

Tip # 2: When a Great Idea Grabs You -- Grab Back.
You sort of start thinking anythings possible if you've got enough nerve. - Rowling

Great ideas are unmistakably powerful in their announcement and come when least expected. Rowling says:

Where the idea for Harry Potter actually came from, I really couldn't tell you. I was traveling on a train between Manchester and London and it just popped into my head. I spent four hours thinking about what Hogwarts would be like. By the time I got off at King's Cross, many of the characters in the books had already been invented.

As small business owners, we know when a great idea is upon us. The problem is, we often question it, second-guess it, and rationalize it away. Not Rowling. She recognized the mark of a powerful idea, seized upon it and went with it.

Tip # 3: Persevere, Persevere, and Persevere.
It is our choices . . . that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. - Rowling

Rowling moved to Portugal to teach English as a Second Language in 1991 and married her first husband in 1992. They divorced in 1993. The next year, she moved to Scotland. At this point, she was an unemployed single mother living on welfare. In 1995, she completed her manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, typing it out on an old manual typewriter. She handed in the book to twelve publishing houses. They all rejected it.

Rowling never gave up. She did not stop just because life was hard. Despite all the changes and setbacks she was experiencing, she carried on. She persevered. As small business owners, we would do well to keep her example in mind.

Tip # 4: Don't Let Anyone, Including Yourself, Sidetrack You from Your Goal.
If you're holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time. - Rowling

Finally, Bloomsbury, a small publisher, agreed to publish the first book. Her editor, though, says that he "advised Rowling to get a day job, since she had little chance of making money in children's books."

It's a good thing she didn't listen. All seven volumes of the Harry Potter series have broken sales records and have been translated into 65 languages. What a shining role model Rowling is for small business owners. She didn't let anyone stand in the way of her goal-not even herself.

Tip # 5: Each of Us Has a Unique Contribution to Make to the World.
I just write what I wanted to write. I write what amuses me. It's totally for myself. - Rowling

J. K. Rowling never went searching for the kind of success she's received. "I just wrote the sort of thing I liked reading when I was younger (and still enjoy now!). I didn't expect lots of people to like them, in fact, I never really thought much past getting them published."

It wasn't fame or wealth that J. K. Rowling sought. No. She simply wanted to contribute to the world in general, and to children specifically. As small business owners, this is so important to learn. Focus on the unique something we have to offer to the world. The rest will surely come, in ways we may not even be able to imagine.

Small Business Start Up Coach provides value, inspiration and direction to entrepreneurial women starting up and launching small businesses. Accidental Pren-her™ providing a place for pren-hers to share stories, build community, and embrace their inner Samurai. Welcome!

The Two Golden Rules When Writing eBooks For Profit

n this article, we are going to look at how to construct your eBook so that it has logical chapters and flows easily from start to finish. In order to do this, you will begin gathering and organizing your content into your own information product.

The 1st eBook Golden Rule: The REAL VALUE IS IN THE INFORMATION you are providing for those who want to buy it. Don't forget that as you gather information and start putting your pages and chapters together.

Let's start with some general tips for eBook organization.

Here's 10 to keep you focused and out of trouble:

1...Keep your copy simple and do not use long sentences. Write in a conversational manner, like you talk.

2...If you have to use long sentences, break them up into bulleted lists or divide separate thoughts into different paragraphs. Large blocks of text are difficult to read and do not have enough white space to give the reader's eyes a break.

3...Try to convey the main point of each paragraph's message in the first 1 or 2 sentences so your reader doesn't have to hunt for the message.

4...Write clearly and with some emotion. Don't be afraid to let you personality show through your words and allow your passion for your subject to break on through. Mind you, beware that your passionate approach doesn't actually turn into a sales letter ;) Save that for your sales page.

5...Write with a smile on your face.

6...Keep your tone light and friendly. Write the same way throughout your book. If your phrasing or tone changes, your readers will think someone else finished writing your eBook for you.

7...Check your spelling, grammar and formatting. While you might be able to get away with one or two misspelled words, lots of them presents an unprofessional appearance to your reader and creates a doubt in their minds about the value of the information you are selling. Poor grammar makes you seem uneducated.

8...Use subheadings to draw attention to your key points. They also help your reader look for specific information when they want to. A couple of line breaks on either side of the subheading adds white space on the page and actually highlights your following paragraphs...makes them stand out and seem important.

9...Whether or not to use graphics (charts, screen shots, clip art, photos) is a personal choice. If the graphic has a specific use to emphasize a point or illustrate your meaning, use it. But don't just throw graphics in because they are cute or pretty - or, horror of horrors, to fill space.

10... Use your outline to stay focused on your topic. Don't ramble off on some side road and then have a problem getting back on the highway. While a few quick side trips might add some interest to what you are writing, use them sparingly.

Let's start with your first chapter heading and the subheads...

Organise your research and information that apply to your 1st chapter under each subheading. Put them in order of relevance. When you get Chapter 1 sorted out, quickly do the same for the rest of your chapters.

Now, take a look at what you've done.

Are your chapters balanced? Does the material and the thoughts behind it (what you wanted to say to your readers) flow in an easy manner? Does the progression of your ideas make sense to you?

If not, move things around. If you are working on a computer, copy it and paste it where it belongs or select the portion that has your attention, then pick it up and move it. Computers make some tasks easy!

When you are happy with your current order, pick a chapter, any chapter (doesn't have to be Chapter 1), to begin filling out your pages. Here's where you select the tidbits of information you've gathered in the previous lessons and arrange them under the appropriate chapter headings or subheadings.

You can start writing your paragraphs right here and now. Use your outline, subheading and notes to guide you.

The 2nd eBook Golden Rule: CONTENT IS KING! Don't tie yourself up in details that don't matter, like page length. Keep your information focused and your presentation original and move on.

The page count isn't important. I've seen 10 page reports and eBooks that have made me go WOW! There was so much fantastic information packed in. Similarly, I've also read eBooks with 80+ pages that were just fluff and filler, with waffling info - and no real substance.

When you have your chapter written in a rough draft, save it and move on to the next chapter in your outline.

Writing (creating) can be very intense, particularly if this is your first journey into this process. It might be a good idea to take a break between chapters...take a walk, vacuum the floor, watch your favorite soap, make a treat for your kids...clear your head.

When you return to the next chapter you want to write, you will be refreshed and ready to do it again.

When you are finished writing the rough draft of your first eBook, you will have your newborn creation out of your mind and saved on your computer. It won't be pretty, so don't expect it to be. You will read it, revise it, tart it up, and probably wonder why you got into this project to start with. That's all normal, I promise.

This part of the eBook creation process is a lot like when your child roars into the room, wet, muddy and a total mess. You clean him up, change his clothes, plant a kiss and send him out to conquer another dragon. That's what you are learning to do here.

Paula Brett is a writer and internet marketer in several niches. She works mainly with newcomers to internet marketing and her most recent eBook is Emergency Surgery: Operation eBook You can receive her FREE, 7-Day eCourse, 7 Magic Steps To Your Info Product by visiting here . You can also visit her blog at

Tips For Successful Ebook Writing

In the past several years, writing was never as lucrative as it is now when anyone who has the time and just a little ability can crank out an electronic book and market it online in a flash. But to make money, talent alone is not enough, so try these helpful, tested methods to make real money with your e-books.

Make sure your eBook is creative and unique. The best way to stand out is to create something that is innovative and not found anywhere else. If you choose a common topic, try to write it in a fresh, new perspective so it stands out from the rest of the crowd.

It can be a good idea to try e-book collections. Potential customers feel that they are getting more bang for their buck with a collection. This can result in easier and increased sales for you. Your collection can be your old and new works or similar ones you have obtained for free.

You can sell advertising in your eBook to provide more income. This provides an additional income stream from people and companies that would like to pay for exposure that your eBook can provide. Also, by having a third party promote your eBook, you can expose your eBook to traffic from other sites. While third party promotion does cost a little bit of money, the additional sales will make it a worthwhile investment.

By giving out promotions, you can attract a greater number of customers. To know what promotional items to give out, you need to have done some research on your target audience so that you know what they want. Also, you should write articles to promote your eBook. No one knows your eBook better than you do, so you should write additional material about your eBook to pique other people's interest. Make sure that each article has a link to the page where you sell the eBook.

You should give part of your eBook away for free, as a teaser so that people can examine it to see if they want to buy the entire eBook. Let your target audience see a few chapters of your eBook, and it is more likely that they will buy or download the entire thing if they like what they see.

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Small Business Marketing - 17 Openings that Make Closing A Snap

Do you want a sales letter that sells? Well then, that means someone has to read far enough to get to the Call To Action.

This means that the opening has to be so compelling that the reader simply must read on. These openings make it almost impossible for consumers to stop reading. They appeal to greed, curiosity, fear, and all the other psychological "hot buttons" that turn apathy into interest.

1. I've got good news for you!

2. Are you paying too much for ?

3. I don't usually write letters, but I felt it was important to bring this to your attention.

4. Yes, it's true...

5. If you are thinking of buying a _________ -don't!

6. I'm mad! And I'm not going to take it anymore!

7. You've never read a letter like this before.

8. If you are worried about your financial future, I have some ideas you should think about.

9. I know you're busy. But that's exactly why I want to share this secret with you...

10. Will you do me a favor?

11. I couldn't wait to write to you...

12. Will you accept a free gift in return for a small favor I want you to do for me?

13. It's taken months of long hours and late nights, but I've finally put together the biggest and best secrets and put them in one, totally complete volume.

14. If I could give you a more effective strategy that would earn more money than what you're doing now, would you be interested?

15. Only once in 50 years an improvement like this comes around:

16. I need your help.

17. Would you like to know how to change $8 into ten times that amount? I can show you how...

Obviously these openings will work for you as is, but the point was to get your creative juices flowing.

Think of your copy in terms of a bucket brigade. Each sentence leads to the next sentence, leads to the next sentence, leads to... you get the point.

Just remember that people make buying decisions based on emotions and then justify later with logic. Make your copy so intriguing that the reader just can't stop reading. The idea being that in order to close a sale the prospect has to first read the sales letter.

To your success,

David Mason is president of Mason Performance Development Inc., a Speaker, Trainer , Performance Development Coach and internationally best selling author.

This article has been an excerpt from David's best selling book, Marketing Your Small Business For Big Profits, visit

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To schedule David to speak at your next event or for private book signings send email to or call 902-660-3070.

This article is copyright protected but can be reprinted unaltered including the author bio and resource.